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Sneads Ferry, North Carolina

Community Council

February 2025 Edition

Here’s what’s going on this month and into the spring!

Executive Committee Meeting

The executive committee of the Sneads Ferry Community Council meets every month, generally on the first Monday of the month. If you have an idea, something to share, or want to volunteer, support, or participate with the SFCC, contact one of our executive committee members (info below) or send an email to

Youth Valentine’s Ball – Dress Up, Dance, Eat, Have Fun!

Where: Sneads Ferry Community Center, 126 Park Lane

5:30-7pm: Kinder-Grade 5

8-10pm: Middle School

$10 per person, cash only, pay at the door (covers entry, food, & drinks)

Proceeds are invested back into our community

Volunteers needed! Email for details.

SFCC Scholarship Program

Our Scholarship is open to seniors who attend Dixon High School, private school, or home school, so long as they meet the other criteria and live in the Turkey Creek Fire Department district.

If you know a senior who is continuing their education at a community college, trade school or university, tell them about this opportunity. The 2025 scholarship application will be available at in the coming weeks.

Please note that students may begin accumulating and recording community volunteer hours as early as the summer prior to 9th grade (freshman year).

Christmas in the Ferry – Committee Chair and Volunteers Needed!

Christmas in the Ferry needs a committee chair! If you have been a part of this lovely celebration in the past and feel up to the excitement, touch base with one of our executive committee members. Many subcommittee chairs are ready to step up for you! We’re just waiting for your leadership and guidance! Keep an eye out for more information to be posted about Christmas in the Ferry in the coming months.

SAVE THE DATE for the 2025 edition of Christmas in the Ferry: Friday & Saturday, December 12 & 13!

Community Center Spring Cleaning Work Day – Volunteers Needed

The Community Center will be holding a clean-up/work day soon. This effort will include the main building, storage buildings, and exterior grounds. We will announce more details as soon as possible. We will need all hands on deck! Please come help us tidy up our facility!


Shrimp Festival Planning Committee

The Shrimp Festival Committee will continue to meet every other month at the Community Center, generally on the first Monday of the month—until July when meetings become more frequent. Subcommittees meet individually as needed. Everyone is invited to join these meetings and are encouraged to find a committee or sub-committee to align and volunteer with. Many hands make light work, and we welcome all volunteers! The next Shrimp Festival Meeting is March 3, 7pm, at the Community Center.

SAVE THE DATE for the 2025 Shrimp Festival: Friday & Saturday, September 26 & 27!

IMPORTANT: We are currently seeking Arts & Crafts Vendors for the Shrimp Festival! You can find the application on our website at

Public Community Council Meetings

Sneads Ferry Community Council Meetings are open to the public and will occur bi-monthly (every other month) in 2025. They are typically held on the second Wednesday of the month and will be posted on our website and Facebook page as well as our e-newsletter.

The SFCC is responsible for maintaining the Community Center building and grounds as well as producing the Shrimp Festival and Christmas in the Ferry, along with other fundraising events to support council endeavors. Meetings are fast-paced and informative.

The next SFCC meeting takes place on March 12, 2025, 7pm, at the Community Center (126 Park Lane, Sneads Ferry). All are welcome!


Bingo nights are one of our major fundraisers and has returned on a bi-monthly basis in 2025. Gather your friends and come out to visit our vendors, enjoy our refreshments, and have fun competing for prizes and awards. Our next ladies’ bingo night of 2025 is Friday, March 14, at the Community Center. Doors open at 6:15pm, and bingo begins at 7pm. $10 for goodie bag and event admission. Join us as a BINGO participant or volunteer!